Mir Sohail Fazeli, MD, PhD
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Mir Sohail Fazeli comes with over two decades of experience working within academia and industry as the principal investigator, project lead, and clinical research consultant. His research experience in evidence generation and synthesis covers a broad range of methodologies, including systematic and targeted literature reviews of clinical trials and observational studies, meta-analyses, network meta-analyses, and complex statistical modelling studies.
Drawing upon years of hands-on medical practice in emergency care and family medicine, alongside a robust background in academic and industry research, Mir stands as a dedicated consultant who consistently lends his expertise to pharmaceutical clients across a spectrum of essential functions. These encompass Clinical Development, Medical Affairs, Safety and Epidemiology, Health Economic and Outcomes Research, Research and Development, as well as Scientific Communications and Publications.
Mir earned his PhD from the University of British Columbia, where his research primarily delved into the autonomic nervous system. This academic journey yielded several publications, among which is a noteworthy chapter in the 2018 “Evidence-based Urology” (2nd edition) by Wiley-Blackwell. This chapter serves as a valuable resource for urologists, physicians, and residents alike.
Interests/hobbies: Nature, Reading, Chess, History and Philosophy