“Economic Burden and Healthcare Resource Utilization in Sjögren’s Disease: A Systematic Literature Review.” Choi J, Christodoulou A, Sreih A, Hofer K, Pourrahmat MM, Fazeli MS, Fisher BA. ISPOR 2024, May 5-8, 2024. Link to Publication.
“Extrapolating discrete time disease evolution data in limited series of transition probability matrices: A continuous time Markov chain approach” Behnam Sharif, Yuanhui Zhang, Nishu Gaind, Murat Kurt Kurt. 18th Biennial European Conference of SMDM, Berlin, Germany, 21-23 May 2023. Link to Publication.
“Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints (SES) for Previously Untreated Unresectable or Metastatic Melanoma (MMEL): Analyses from a Longitudinal Electronic Health Record Database in the United States (US)” Leung L, Mohr P, Serafini P, Kanters S, Pourrahmat MM, Moshyk A, Srinivasan S, Kurt M. ISPOR 2023, May 7th-10th, 2023. Link to Publication.
“Disease-Free Survival (DFS) As a Surrogate Endpoint for Overall Survival (OS) in Adults with Resectable Esophageal or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer: A Correlation Meta-Analysis” Leung L., Kurt M., Singh P., Kim I., Kanters S. Virtual ISPOR 2021, May 17th-20th, 2021. Link to publication.
“Impact of training and guidance on the inter-rater and inter-consensus reliability of risk of bias instruments for non-randomized studies.” Jeyaraman MM, Robson RC, Pollock M, Copstein L, Balijepalli C, Hofer K, Xia J, Al-Yousif N, Mansour S, Fazeli MS, Ansari MT, Tricco AC, Rabbani R, Abou-Setta AM. In: Advances in Evidence Synthesis: special issue Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020;(9 Suppl 1). Link to publication.
“Investigating Progression-Free Survival as a Potential Surrogate Endpoint for Overall Survival in First-Line Treatment for Glioblastoma Multiforme – A Meta-Analysis Of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Fu A, Fazeli MS, Kanters S, Siliman G, Chaudhary MA, Gogate A, Kurt M. Virtual ISPOR 2020. May 18th-20th, 2020. Link to publication.
“Inter-rater Reliability, Inter-consensus Reliability and Evaluator burden of ROBINS-I, and ROBINS-E: A Cross-sectional Study.” Jeyaraman MM., Rabbani R., Robson R., Copstein L., Al-Yousif N., Xia J., Pollock M., Hofer K., Balijepalli C., Mansour S., Bond K., Fazeli MS., Ansari M., Tricco A., Abou-Setta AM. The 26th Cochrane Colloquium 2019, Santiago, Chile. October 22nd-25th, 2019. Link to publication.
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